Bet Your Boots Brooch
Original design by Pete Cromer. Once upon a time a daring feline used their cunning and guile to impress a King and acquire power, wealth and even love for their downtrodden master.
The original artwork of Puss in Boots has him without a hat, but Pete drew up this fancy feathered adornment to make this fearsome warrior extra cute and iconic!
Original design by Pete Cromer. Once upon a time a daring feline used their cunning and guile to impress a King and acquire power, wealth and even love for their downtrodden master.
The original artwork of Puss in Boots has him without a hat, but Pete drew up this fancy feathered adornment to make this fearsome warrior extra cute and iconic!
Original design by Pete Cromer. Once upon a time a daring feline used their cunning and guile to impress a King and acquire power, wealth and even love for their downtrodden master.
The original artwork of Puss in Boots has him without a hat, but Pete drew up this fancy feathered adornment to make this fearsome warrior extra cute and iconic!