Not sure which blend to select for your cat? We’re here to help. We offer a free consultation service to help you find the right blend. To take advantage of this free service please:
complete the survey below. When completing the survey think about what you have observed in your cat’s behaviours, emotions and condition. Try not to overthink the responses. Look at each behaviour, condition or emotion and rate from Strongly Disagree (you haven’t observed this behaviour, condition or emotion at all) to Strongly Agree (you always or frequently observe this behaviour, condition or emotion).
Click submit when you have answered all of the questions.
We will email you back with a recommendation or we might want to ask you for a little more information particularly if there are multiple issues to work with. This helps to prioritise which concern to work with first and helps to create a treatment plan for your cat for the longer term.
If you have any questions please email Merredith at meow@aussiecatlady.au